Libby Up-Date

I took Libby back to see the vet again today. She hasn't been doing well since Tuesday. She isn't eating and she's been hiding. I wanted to take her to the vet yesterday but she was hiding and I couldn't find her in time before they closed.. She came out this morning but by afternoon she was gone again. She was way back under my bed and I had to get my son to finally get her out. One of the major problems was she wouldn't let me put any pain meds in her mouth or her antibiotics. (I can't say I blame her). Today the doctor gave her a 7 day doze of antibiotics. He then showed me how to actually put the pain meds in her mouth. The assistant who showed me how to do it was telling me all wrong. She said I needed to make sure and put it under her tongue and that wasn't possible. I watched as the doctor gave her pain medicine today and I think I can do that. He simply just but in right in the front of her mouth. If I can't then I take her back tomorrow to get another pain shot. She's out this evening but still not wanting to eat. Hope she starts feeling better real soon.

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