Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Thursday -- Just a Neighborhood Rose

We took a quick walk this evening after our dinner. During our walk with the three pups, I found this lovely white rose. I'm ridiculously attracted to white. So that's the story of this rose.

The story of my day isn't much more exciting. Today was the last official class session of the spring semester. I met with my two Thursday classes. They all had Quiz #3 to do. Then I gave them their "take home" Final Exam. They will bring that back to me this coming Tuesday and then the semester will conclude. 

When my second class finished their quiz and the last student exited, I headed back to my office to eat my lunch and I also cleaned out several piles of excess papers. I knew that later in the day, Mr. Fun and our daughter would arrive at my office to get my little refrigerator and take it home, so  I was trying to tidy-up my office.

After eating my lunch, I headed to the last big meeting of the semester. It is the Committee of the Whole. We used to abbreviate it the COW Meeting, but then they changed it to the COWT Meeting. Ridiculous! Thankfully the meeting ended early. I returned to my office, gathered my stuff, and walked to my car. I sent a text to Mr. Fun and our daughter to let them both know that I was in the parking lot and waiting for them. 

They arrived quickly, got the refrigerator from my office, put it in the back of our grandson's pick-up, and the three of us drove toward our home. 

Our daughter stayed for a while, and the three of us sat out on the patio enjoying the cool of this gray June day. 

Later I needed to get a thank you card in the mail to my stepdad for his wonderful acknowledgement of and gift for our 50th anniversary last weekend, so Mr. Fun and I took a trip to the Post Office and then stopped for a quick dinner at Tamazulas; a delicious Mexican restaurant here in our city. We both had a burrito with beans, rice, lettuce, tomato, and onions. It was yummy (no cheese because we're doing a vegan diet).
And that was my Thursday.
Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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