
My mum is up in bonnie Scotland for a week with her choir to visit and sing in various places around Stirling.

Today it was the turn of Dunblane Cathedral and Mrs42 and Miss42 went up to listen.

I had some work to do and then an appointment I couldn't miss, so I didn't make the concert but I got there in time to see everyone (lots of my Mum's friends I knew when I was growing up and my old head teacher) so that was nice.

Apparently Miss42 was great throughout the concert, clapping after each song and shouting out "Weell Dun Grandma". And after I got there Miss42 decided to show me where Grandma was singing and even did a bit of soprano herself from next to the altar.

After tea and biscuits Mum came back to ours for dinner and I've just dropped her back to Stirling - lovely to see you mum!

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