Construction site!!!!

My local garden centre is having a new
restaurant, as you see is under construction!
I think it must be " knocking off" time??
After all it is 4.30pm on a Friday?? Who
ever wouldn't finish work at this time!!!
Errr !! Not sure!
It has been a " failing Friday" for me I
really wanted to weed my screed area,
even tho' they are not deep, I just couldn't
do it my back was sooo painful, so stupid
me decided I would cut some of the laurel
bush,Berberis and flowering currant ! Wrong
choice, my hands which are already very
painful, have suffered and are making me
very miserable, depression sets in when
you know what you want and indeed need
to do, but alas pain wins the day!!!
Oh well tomorrow is another day.

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