Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Nephew Kyle's band, We Came From Wolves, were playing in the 02 ABC in Glasgow and G and I bought a ticket for his nephew Taylor to come with us to the gig.  He's the biggest fan! 

We went on the bus, with about 40 other loyal fans including my sister (Kyle's mum), my nephew Ryan and girlfriend Michelle, some of Taylor's friends who are in a band too.  We met my niece Zandra and her fiancé Andy there, so there was quite a family atmosphere! 

The two support bands didn't do it for me, too loud (really - my eardrums were literally pounding, and sore), and very shouty.  The Wolves were great though, and this gig was part of the tour they are doing to launch their new album. 

After, we got the bus (eventually, when everyone finally staggered out of the venue or back from Nando's or Subway with food for the journey home) back to Perth.  I think my sister and I, and Taylor and his pals, were the only sober passengers.  Everyone else had been scooping quite generously - I DO include my own other half in this - so it was a pretty noisy, if good natured atmosphere all the way back. 

Worryingly, the bus had to pull over a few times as the lights suddenly went out; and there was a horrible noise coming from the engine.  I saved the day by shutting my eyes very tightly, and willing us safely home.  I wouldn't have been too bothered if we broke down, except the dog was in the house, and had been since five o'clock.

All ended well - we limped into Perth about half past midnight, and the crowd immediately dispersed on disembarkation.  I drove Ryan and Michelle, and then Taylor, home before taking G to the Bilal Palace for a bag of pakora. 

Dog now walked, photos downloaded, I'm having a wee whisky before I hit the sheets.  Happy weekend everybody.

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