Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Aquamarine - aspect ratio assignment

My new assignment for my online course is on aspect ratios and I have been taking photos with my camera set to 16:9 or letterbox which is a first for me....
I need to take 3 different types of photo so I thought a jewellery photo would be a good place to start...I intend to to a landscape one, maybe of the bridges in Perth as well as a wedding ring one (to practise for the wedding coming up in September) and I may try an abstract one too.  2 of them need to be 16:9 and 2 of them need to be 1:1 (square)...quite a different challenge for me.  I love doing portraits so that one should be straightforward but I've never done abstracts before.
Usual Saturday for us, meeting the family for lunch out but also taking my step-daughter to source some carpets for her new flat...only another week to go to our holiday in France and Belgium...

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