New Net...

Hopefully new Minstrel-proof net! 

As our front window looks straight onto the pavement it is necessary to have a net curtain or Voile in order to avoid the feeling of living in a goldfish bowl, with people walking directly next to the window. And of course it's only natural for them to look inside!

The thing is, Minstrel does love to climb the curtain, which has resulted in us having rags hanging at the window. A bit of online research produced the tip from a similarly afflicted cat owner to hang the net so precariously that it falls down as soon as a claw exerts the slightest pressure, bringing it down around the stunned fur-ball's ears!

Minstrel has not yet been put off - he has had it down three times! But it's survived intact, and hopefully he will soon realise it will keep happening, and he's not just been unlucky!

I do think the Birdie design is a bit ironic - not exactly a cat-repellent image!

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