
By pensionspoet

Bushcraft weekend!

Poor Henry was forced to wake at 7.30 as I was keen to get down to Cambridge as early as possible.

We were away by 8.25 and arrived in Linton at 10.15 where I dropped H off to get his haircut. We arrived at Wandlebury at 10.50 where Mollie was up, but Dan wasn't! After a cup of tea I took the dogs for a long walk around the park. I was saddened to see what a mess it was. The grass is long everywhere, the sheep have gone, and the only field with no grass, in fact too little grass, was the end of Varleys where the cattle are. I was hoping to see one of the many (9 apparently) new wardens who have been recruited since the Rangers were made redundant. According to all the blurb written in many places by CPPF the changes were essential to ensure the continued running of the site. I saw no one. Then as I got close to home, one man in a green t shirt was feeding a fire. So I think they've failed on that count, but then we all knew it was b*****ks anyway didn't we. Sad to see the park looking so shabby in just 3 months.

I had lunch with my 3 lovely children, fed the remaining chickens, then after speaking to Jon, put a sleeping bag in the car and headed off to The Jarman Centre for the 2nd Saturday running. Jon is teaching bushcraft to a large group of guides all weekend. He has invited me to share his 2 man tent tonight :-) how could I say no!?

The weather is beautiful and the girls are having fun. They have made whistles and para cord bracelets, and now put up their hammocks to sleep in tonight. I threw a few bits into a rucksack and am looking forward to a campfire at 8. Of course, I have my camp blanket as it lives in my I'm prepared for a fun filled, smoke filled musical evening...with my husband! :-)

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