
By welshcameraman

Tenby, Pembrokeshire.

My beloved and I went to Tenby for the first time today, we went on a coach trip and what I didn't realise was that the coach park was about a mile out of town.  Just as we arrived, the sky became very dark and as we were walking towards the town centre, the heavens opened. To make matters worse, the driving rain was coming in horizontally from the sea, and because  I was wearing only a cagoule, my trousers were soaked through to the skin. We sought refuge in a pub which not only provided us with shelter from the appalling weather, but offered the most appetising selection of meals to boot. We both opted for a Pembroke Ham salad which was absolutely delicious. By the time we had finished our meal, the weather had changed completely and it was wall to wall sunshine which gave us the chance to explore the town in detail. I know my blip is the "standard" for Tenby, but I have to say, it was a stunning view from where I took the photograph!

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