Local Character

My youngest brother staying with us - went for a walk in Newhall and met this local writer wearing a Mongolian hat, who grew up "on the Lodge", just like my brother. Obviously a character - he's written novels, poetry, and I bought a signed copy of Flora of the British Isles  for £3, with photos and writing which feels like it's from another age:

"To ascend Cronkley Fell (in Teesdale), in the middle of June, the flowers that do grow here, will give you a thrill. The shrubby cinquefoil, and tormentil, the eyes of these striking flowers will let you know you have arrived."

M and I on our own now; everyone has gone to watch the football at my daughter's. The extra is of a wagtail we saw on the water lilies. Also saw a heron catch a fish, but decided just to watch instead of grabbing the camera...

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