
Rather a slow day today recovering from yesterday's outing!! Did manage some office work. Mr Tbay busy mowing .

Dishwasher broken still grrrrrrr!! Hate washing up!

Pip is still not really herself. She seems very restless and is whinging a lot. No idea why but hope she improves a bit tomorrow as she seems so sad.

Farming - Silage team out today. All went well.

I mentioned a few days ago that we had some not so good news. Our little granddaughter has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, which as you can imagine has been quite a blow. Mr and Mrs Tbay Jnr are being very brave about it but I do feel so sorry for them. She has been started on drugs already and with careful management she should be able to live a relatively normal life. Let's hope that in the next few years a way is found to halt this horrid disease. :-(

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