That's it then.

We've binnan gonnan dunnit.
I'm led to believe that we now own a "Mobile Home" as opposed to a "Campervan".

Upsides & downsides.
First Upside -We'll have more room to prepare for bed without one of us adopting a half crouch between the two front seats.
First Downside - As one or two may be aware, Herself is somewhat vertically challenged with a mild case of "Duck's disease" (That's cowboy-like "A Lowdown bum") This means that to do the enter and exit in comfort we need a ladder to get into the front seat and a Parachute to make a gainly exit.

Pity the Reg. Plate number is only 900 apparently it's my 2000th entry. Not enough warning to find a "Triumph 2000" or similar.

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