Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Another Hens 'Do' perhaps

Edinburgh Council took it upon themselves to stop all stalls trading today at the Meadows Festival, due to high winds. Yes indeed, one marquee tent was lost forever as it was uprooted and flew off into the unknown ether.
Donald and I did manage to find a few stalls that hadn't quite finished packing up all their goodies and he walked away with a wooden crate which he will use as a wine store and I got a 50p bag to add to my collection.
A quick public convenience stop in the Museum and then we headed down Victoria Street, through the Grassmarket where these 'hens' were jaunting along and on to the Cameo for coffee before heading back home. A mix of brief sunny spells and showers along with windy variations but a good wander never-the-less.

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