
We went to Tewkesbury this morning; the plan being to check out some of the antique shops looking for suitcases. But first we needed coffee and as we couldn't find a Nero we took second best and went to Coffee #1.
Feeling refreshed we wandered down to the river and then in the general direction of the Abbey, guided by the peal of bells playing their heart out.
We saw a few interesting places and finally settled on one suitcase. It's 1950/60s with a great pink interior.  This obviously will not be used for traveling but as part of a design plan Ann has for the bedroom.
Leaving the case at the shop for later collection we went to the Abbey and had a good look round.  We seem to be collecting cathedrals and Abbeys this year.  Architecturally they are all similar but each is different and has their own unique interiors. We'll have to see how many we can get through in a year.
Later, we found a nice cafe for a sandwich then collected the case and drove home to watch Murray lose his postponed semi-final; it had been a great match over the last couple of days but he lost in the fifth.
I decided on an exterior shot for the main blip as you've probably had enough of vaulted ceilings, though I have added an 'extra' bonus from inside the Abbey.

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