
By Chrissie1butter

Mac malfunction

On my visit to Charlotte's I took my Mac book......I needed to know how to back up my photographs ( all 16,000 + ) on to a hard drive...... But it wouldn't do it.....drat!!!!! Need a visit to the apple shop now.....
This is a photograph with Charlotte in the background.....with said computer......
I did go to Karens 50th birthday party in the evening.....but because I had partook in some alcohol and coupled with my new little camera.....I had the incorrect setting on and ended up doing movies instead of I couldn't blip any
need to age dome practice.......I did like this one I took though of Charlotte being a kind daughter.....even though it was fruitless. ?..enjoy your Sunday peeps....
.I'm off to "Victoria Baths "with Louise.... Hope to get some good blip ops.

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