Flat Flatlands, Langstraat, Goeree-Overflakkee

This shot was taken during my afternoon drive exploring a bit more of Goeree-Overflakkee, in particular the village of Achthuizen and the hamlet of Langstraat.  'Langstraat' literally means 'long street' and, really, that's all it is -- a long street on a curving dike, the houses on either side, in an area of nothing but, well, dikes.  The trees (like in the shot) give an idea of where the roads are and I still would like to explore all of them.

I'm suddenly aware that the shot actually describes this Saturday's mood -- no peaks or troughs, just short of boring but in a good way.  Not that there's nothing to do, just that there's no timetable to do it.  Sounds like summer, yes.  Worse ... feels like summer, too -- 25 degrees (yesterday was above the 30s) with a nice breeze.

Just to give you an idea of the contrasts even in this tiny frogpond of a country -- night frost in the northeast.  Oh please, it's allowed to stay there, and I think it will, too.

Some housework, a plethora of hobbies.

Hubby was able to fix my ironing board -- it needed a new board.  Bro-in-law J dropped by yesterday for some inheritance issues discussions with hubby and some gossip with me (turns out there's been another family member who's been contemplating the end of it all).  What I like about J is how he makes us feel that there's still some semblance of a family behind us, which there isn't but the illusion is pleasant anyway.  I've arrived at the conclusion, over the years, that it's not family one needs but really good friends who may or may not be related by blood.  Easy for me to say, of course.

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