It is a beautiful life-

By domo

I Week

Pearls, Doves, Hearts,
Frances Elliot Mann Hall
Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega,
President, Vice President, New Member Educator
Standards Program
Amy Denson, Brooke Perry, Barbara Collins Wilmer
One Heart, One Way
Sigma Kappa

I learned all of this and more.
I memorized names, dates, positions, symbols.
I learned the absolute basics of my sorority - What makes it function and run, where it started, who started it.

After this Saturday though, I will officially be a sister.
I will know what it means to BE a Sigma Kappa.
I will learn about the heart and the life of this place I call my home.
I will know why so many woman before me chose to call themselves sisters to this sorority.

I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me.

I can not wait.

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