Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL

Presenting France

E's class has been working for months on video presentations about various countries.  E and his partner were assigned France.  The videos were presented at a "red carpet event" in the classroom today.  E and his partner went first so I could sneak out in time to get M from preschool.  Grandma & Grandpa were there as well.

E is my silliest child.  He can impersonate just about anything.  He does voices and dances for us all the time.  But as soon as he's on stage, he freezes up.  He plasters a grin on his face and fidgets.  I found out today that that includes when the video camera is directly on him. 

I took this photo of him while his video was playing on the screen.  He took a bow at the end and scurried off the "carpet."

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