Philosophical Sunday....

Can you believe it?! After spending two days glued to those Blue Tit chicks, they decided to leave their nest without me! By the time I got round to having a look at the Springwatch webcam this morning, eight out of the ten Blue Tits had already fledged!! Luckily I did manage to see the last two leave the nest shortly after 11am. Good luck to them all in the big wide world....

Had my own Springwatch experience today, though not of such a cute and fluffy nature. Looking out of the window, I noticed a Magpie landing on one of our conifer shrubs. To my surprise, it then buried its head and half its body straight down into the shrub, only to emerge two seconds later with a small blue egg in its mouth (probably a Dunnock or Robin's egg). I had no idea there were birds nesting there, but sadly the Magpie obviously did. I fear it will return until all the eggs are gone...

I'm always surprised by the way in which birds like Magpies, Sparrowhawks etc prey on their own kind. But then just consider some of the ways in which mankind treats its fellow mankind...

On a more cheery note, today you have one of the beautiful Clematis flowers that have recently opened in the garden.

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