We Didn't Need The Compass or Kendal Mint Cake..

Had a super day today...went to see Johnny first thing to find that his leg has already started to heal, there was minimal swelling and he was walking comfortably on it...it seems that we have been very lucky for what could have been a very serious injury.

This afternoon we rode Kizzy, Sushi had a ride too and was beaming as she was very good for him. She is a very sweet mare and I hope they will develop together as she is a lot bigger than Freya and so he was a little bit apprehensive to start with.

This evening, as it was so warm and sunny we decided to go for a walk. As they have recently changed some of the local footpaths we did get a little bit lost and some of the paths were somewhat overgrown, but considering we actually were always in view of the house I am not sure we were quite in need of the compass or Kendal Mint Cake. 

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