Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


I thought this was rather wonderful, spotted on my early morning walk. And as there was no getting away from the watery stuff, I thought it worth accentuating the positive and showing just how green everything has become. The river here must be healthy.

In one way, though, I've failed (as per Tuesday) as I don't know the names of all these water plants. The paler stuff is duckweek, I reckon, and I think some of the slightly taller stuff is a purslane, and I expect there's some watercress in there somewhere, this is Hampshire after all. But I'd love to know what you think.

I found another moorhen nest today, with mum sitting on it, but only took a couple of shots. I've tried them several times, but moorhens look glumpish in (my) photographs - sort of hunched and uninteresting. They're not elegant birds.

So that's all from me today - the rest is work. Hope your days are going well..

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