School Summer Fete

We were all absolutely shattered today after our journey yesterday. It didn't stop P waking us all up at 5:50am though! Yawn. I need a holiday.....

We had a quiet morning at home. The children watched some CBeebies and I got 4 lots of washing washed and dried on the line. G&G popped in to see us and to have private screening of our holiday pictures. A then went for an early nap.

After lunch P and I went down to the summer fete at her new school. It was a lovely little event with lots for the children to do. P had a pony ride, a go on the inflatables, had a glitter tattoo of some stars on her cheek and we both stopped for a cake and a drink. All the proceeds are going towards the new library bus which I think is a fab idea.

When we got home 1 1/2 hours later A was still asleep! He had had 4 hours in total, I think that's a record!

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