A time for everything

By turnx3

Classic car event at the Château de Courances

A great afternoon out, enjoying the beautiful weather at the Château de Courances, where a classic car event was being held. It is organized jointly between the château and Les Amis de Saint Luke's, the branch of our church, which organizes social events and raises money for charity on behalf of the church. Exceptionally, the château allows you to take a picnic and picnic on the grounds, so after church in the morning, we had popped home to change and fix ourselves a picnic, then drove over to Courances, where we enjoyed it together with a number of other people from church. After our picnic, we went to look around the cars - there were about 80-90, ranging from 2 CV, and Citröen DX, to Corvettes, Bentley, Jaguars, AC Cobras, as shown in my blip, a couple of Bugatis and many others. Having seen the cars, we went for a little walk around the grounds, particularly the beautiful Japanese garden. By this time, a little after 5pm, some of the cars were beginning to leave, so I was able to get a few more pictures of them heading out. We wound up the day with a lovely barbecue out on the patio - altogether a great day!

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