
By Saffi

Glorious day

After a roast chicken lunch, N and I drove to Limington near Ilchester, to the Old Rectory which was taking part in the NGS - Gardens open scheme for charity. Here we met our old friends from Glastonbury and enjoyed the afternoon walking round a beautiful garden and then sitting on the grass under a tree eating a cream tea and putting the world to rights!  The shrubs and borders were full of beautiful flowers and there was a feeling of light and sunshine.  The rectory was an interesting building the back being built in the 15th century and the front in 1800.  It is listed. Next door in the parish church of St Mary were two old knights and their wives sculpted in stone in a chantry chapel.  It is in this church that Cardinal Wolsey as a young priest was given his first living in 1500, the Marquis of Dorset his patron.

We finished off the day enjoying a barbeque at T's.  P, a school friend of his who now works in Germany was staying the night and it was really good to see him again.

Today has been a perfect English summer's day!

The extra photograph is yet another different caterpillar found in the garden at the Old Rectory. I didn't know which photograph to use as my blip for today as he is rather colourful.

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