a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

Jenny and Me

It was a long day in the sun - a pretty wonderful (if exhausting) day. G and I walked at least five miles through Greenwich, taking a whole load of photos for Flickr, which hopefully will go live in the next day or so. First though we had a delicious brunch at the new London Velo cafe near us, and had a good laugh with their pooch Maurice. There's no question he's going to end up on here before too long. 

The evening though was the star of the show. We joined G's friend Jenny and ate and drank through our wages at Model Market. I'm a huge fan of London's street food and haven't gone to a Street Feast in well over a year. The chance to visit their seasonal event in Lewisham was a treat, particularly because of how close it is to where we live! The drink by the way was a tequila colada and it was delicious. 

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