Solitary poppy

Walking into town this morning Susan spotted this escapee from a garden determinedly growing between the wall and the pavement. A beautiful sight in an unpreprossesing place.

Enjoyed the walk into town and the obligatory coffee at Pop's, this time sharing a lemon and poppyseed muffin. I went for a haircut while Susan did some shopping by which time it was gone 1.30pm and over 3.00pm by the time we arrived home for lunch.

The next few hours were take up with the final adjustments to the form of the pond, laying the underlay and then the liner, getting out the creases and then the fun bit - filling it with water. The last task was to roughly trim the liner and underlay ready for laying the stone edging and finely trimming the liner so that it can be hidden by soil. The pond nearly caused its first casualty when a very large bee was blown onto the surface and couldn't scramble out on the smooth sides. It was rescued on the back of a spade and lived to tell the tale.

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