
By LuvU2

So, you have Cancer, What Now?

CANSA. or Cancer Association of South Africa. Like they say, in the heart formed by 2 hands: Hey, we care! A social worker from CANSA visited me last Wednesday and brought me this Audio-Program to listen to, it's purpose is to help us to come to terms with the challenges of the cancer diagnosis.

The first time, almost 3 years ago, I thought I didn't need that extra support, but this second diagnosis was such a disappointment, I never expected it to metastasize to my lungs!

The good news is, a CT Scan revealed, last Friday, that the rest of my organs seem to be unaffected, although I am very grateful for that, but I am also very angry that it is in my lungs! Eish! Don't know how to handle my emotions at this stage! My oncologist decided to stop the Tamoxifen treatment, which really seem to have been useless for the past 30 months, although it caused huge loss of bone density etc. He prescribed Laradex 2.5 mg now, and will check 8 weeks from now, if the 3 tumors shrunk a bit, he will know he is on the right treatment for me, and keep me on it, if it grew a bit, he will have to change the treatment and check me again about 4 months later, and if it still hasn't shrunk, he will have to start chemo therapy againl 

I am so disappointed, because lung cancer is aparently not curable, we will just have to follow up regularly to see if it is still controlled, if not, I will get more intense treatment! 

Please don't stop praying for me, I am not in a good place at the moment, despite my dear children's diligent support, my heart is broken to see how it broke their hearts!

'One Year Ago'  -  'Eating Out in Style'

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