Sunrise & Sea

Ju & I got up for sunrise again, we were out the flat by 6,10! Lovely to read our Bibles up at the top of the Old Town (see extra pics lovingSutton!) then go and pray over Sa Penya (extras!). SUCH a peaceful time of day....
Then off to a beautiful beach for a spot of swimming, sunning and general fun! Again...extra pics!
This pic is from this morning, about half 7....these petals were mixed with lavender, and emitting SUCH  a beautiful scent... There's an important Catholic (the Pope?!!!!) here at the mo, the velvet red materials are hanging out by the Cathedral...which is the sign. Anyway, I wonder if the petals were something to do with that person??

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being witness to another stunning start to the day - good for my soul!
2) Sitting in the sea, reading my AMAZING book, Cave Refectory Road.
3) Mango chutney from the 28s as a leaving gift - brought all the way from the UK. I am a bit barmy about MC!!!

*Also, found out today that Asha's number one on the waiting list for the school we like for we'll see if a place becomes available....that's my fourth 'grateful'!!

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