Tiptoptastic Day

A really relaxing day, saw the children off and then wandered round to Christine's to drop off her birthday card and gift.
After stopping for over an hour I made my way down to the town, Internet shopping may have brought the costs to consumers down but it means that shops stock less and less, offering to "order it in".
Next stop Sainsbury's for the five items we left off our home delivery order due later tonight.
I continued on to Pets At Home for fish, filter and air stone, I treated 'Babbit' to a popcorn stick. I walked home via the Park & Float, I felt like taking the boat but couldn't find anyone interested in giving me any information so onwards.
The thing about walking and listening to music on your I pod or phone is the effect it has on your pace. When Hearts Of Oak, the Royal Naval March, came on I felt myself 'stiffening', walking more upright in time with the beat, with Hit Me With Your Rythem Stick I found myself speeding up and so on.
Home, tomorrow nights curry made, fish tank sorted out, Babbit cleaned out and Joshua fed before leaving for shooting club.
Sam and I are about to have home cooked fish and chips.
Throughout the day I have thought of my Mum who would have been 84 today, I miss our weekly catch up chats, I miss my Mum.

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