Taunton Dene Services

Sooooooooooo....................... after driving up and down the M5 for the last 10 years................... and having 'boring on my lead walks' around service station car parks...................... just look what we discovered today.................... a massive field at Taunton Dene Services where I was allowed off lead for a good run about.  How we've never discovered this before I don't know?!

As soon as we got home I went down to the river for a swim because it was very hot in the car and after a 5 hour journey I'd almost turned into a hot dog.

Ann said she would take me for an extra walk tonight.  But do you know what?.................... I'm too tired to go for an extra walk.

I've had a lovely time on my holidays but I'm totally, utterly and completely exhausted.  I just want to have snooze time now. 

Going on holiday is great but it's going to be fabulous to sleep in my own bed tonight!!

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