
.......blip! Accidental blip actually. I was checking out the photo I had taken to blip when I accidentally took this one. Just as well - the other one was even more rubbish!!! I'd just been for a gentle jog around The Heathfield Midsummer Murder 10k route with a few folk from the running club. I took a picture of them afterwards, but it didn't really work out.

Back to work today, so I've walked 10k and run 10k. Left hip / hamstring still playing up :(

Best news of the day: we have a new nursery for Noo!

Worst news of the day: Noo has been asleep since before 5pm! It is now 10:45pm and I have managed to bring him to bed and change his nappy without him waking. I'm putting money on him waking up before 5am.......

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