
A full day. Started off in Edinburgh City Chambers in the council chamber. We had a meeting with key decision makers under the umbrella of the Children's Hearing Improvement Partnership Learning and Development workstream. We were discussing what the framework for L&D might look like in 5-10 years. To assist us in our thinking we wrote ourselves postcards from the future to help us think about the skills sets needed to deliver what we believe is required to deliver the type is service we wish to see.

Good discussions which will inform the workstream's considerations on the way forward.

Then off to Motherwell for interviews which took the afternoon. Caught a later train than planned but we're on schedule for back in Edinburgh after 7.

That was until the train hit one or more cows. We were going round a bend at good travelling speed when the train's horn started blaring continuously and then the brakes were applied. We shot past done cows then there was loud band and some other cow parts flew past the carriage. All very distressing.

After an hour or so the driver managed to fix the train which had been damaged underneath and we limped into a nearby station and switched trains. So home before 10!!

A longer and more eventful day than planned! The photo is of the roof in the City Chambers. Pity the signs of the Zodiac did not give me any warning of what was to come.

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