So I said to my wife...

Today was a free day. That was what was written on the white board - "Free Day" - quite nice really. And we kept it that way except for late afternoon and dinner. My brother Steve and his lady Kai came back from a two month trip yesterday so I invited them for dinner. Helena and our friend Anna came over early and we all played Mexican Train until Steve and Kai arrived. I cooked some of our Wild Fishwives salmon for dinner, along with pasta and salad. Helena and Anna helped prepare the salad. 

We all had a good time at dinner catching up on our trip and Steve and Kai's. After dinner Kai and Anna headed home and Arvin, Steve and I drove Helena home. When we got back Steve and I had our first Carcassonne game in months. It was so great to have him back in town. 

The photo is Roger and friend (or perhaps son or nephew or the female equivalents - don't actually know that Roger is male. I think maybe not.). I took it during a quiet moment on the deck. I'm posting it late because there just wasn't time. 

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