Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

S is for.....

S is for Song!

Now I'm sure wherever you've been today, you will undoubtedly have noticed that it was raining, which creates somewhat of a dilemma for myself protecting this blinking plastercast. So I've been stuck inside but have had plenty to entertain me from books, games to music, hence today's blip.

It's amazing how songs can transform your mood from lifting you up to firing you up, and of course songs can also rekindle powerful memories from good times to lost love. There really is a song for every moment!

Being Welsh means music and singing is in my soul, and in my family tree I do have a Professor of Music, so it was only right that I won the English solo in my school Eisteddfod. The special song that won me the title was 'Morning has Broken' and it has always remained special to me.

What song is special to you?

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