Tuesday: Who's Not Happy?
Fred was back at the vet's this evening. He has been a bit wobbly on his legs recently, and sometimes falls over. His head also has a left lean. It turns out that he has a condition called 'vestibular disease' which can affect balance in cats. It's not serious and will, in all likelihood, sort itself out but it can take a few months. If it doesn't sort itself out, then cats have a way of adapting. The slightly wobbly legs will probably remain, though, as he also has some spinal degeneration. I just have to face it - he is getting older.
My boss was also going to the vet's, having recently had his cat spayed. As parking is so horrendous, it made sense to join forces so we had both cats in one car. What a racket! His little one just howled all the way, and Fred just growled and hissed at her all the way there and back.
I have a confession to make - I have been using my iPhone a lot for photos of late, including this one. It just feels so much more discreet sometimes, and therefore more appropriate. i have come to the conclusion that each camera has its time and place.
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