Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Helping Hands

Steven is a homeless vet that I've come to know pretty well over the last year and a half.  Until recently he lived in my town but has just relocated to a neighboring city where he can be more anonymous.  He was quite surprised to see me today on his new turf.  He told me that he moved because he felt as if the local climate in my town was growing increasingly hostile toward homeless folk.  That, and a pervasive use of meth, that is "creating lots of distrust and violence within the homeless community."  We chatted for 30 minutes and I bought Steven lunch and some antibiotic ointment to treat a spider bite he received that is now looking terribly infected. 

Steven's hands have always intrigued me.  They are big like my dad's hands were, but also they are obviously in need of medical attention, which Steven cannot afford.  As a veteran, it seems like more could be done for him. 

Steven's words of wisdom to me today: "We all need to take care of each other.  We deserve it.  You, me, everybody else. Imagine what could be done if everybody just took care of other people."   Wow. And that's a direct quote.  I couldn't agree more.

More of Steven

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