The Orient Express

By koko


Also known as ornamental onion. Arrived home after my haircut to be faced with what I thought would be tonight's blip. A bee on the window ledge starring at me with huge eyes. I got my macro lens and some honey water as it was looking tired. Well I was amazed at the reaction, it's little tongue was lapping at the honey, so cute. It had obviously got its strength back as it then flew out of the window!! Tonight's zumba has been given a miss as our Zumba teacher is throwing a party tomorrow night to celebrate teaching Zumba for 12 months. Two lots of dancing in one week!! Especially as I'm having my nephew for a few hours tomorrow. Sunday I'm attending a dragonfly/ damselflies workshop, indoors and out, so I'm hoping for a little sun. Monday I'm meeting some new arrivals, very exciting, more on that later.A busy few days !!

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