Again and Again

By Ripitup

Take a seat

As well as an assortment of early morning, wet plant pictures, I have several pictures from inside Chelmsdord cathedral today which I could have picked.

In particular, there is a 20 foot tall painting inside by artist Mark Cazalet which I love to look at as it is full of lots of details, like pork scratchings and drinks cans which you might not expect in such an image.

There is also a fair amount of stained glass, painted ceiling and stone.

I have chosen this picture for the colour and the symmetry.

After yesterday, I also found myself in the mood for a little street photography, blipping some more phone boxes, some more bus queues and this glamourous location, which I have added to my blipfolio. I think it has some potential on a busier day.

It just so happens that is opposite a camera shop and a bench too.

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