
The poor guy has pollen all over his body.
I like this pic because of the "dints" on his shell.
I was at morning shift and after work went to gym. After gym I went out to water my plants and saw this guy. Then I saw a ladybird running up and down on a bush and desided to take pics of my plants too, which I posted to the album that I created last summer.
I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have any cherry tomatos or chilis this year because the saplings are still tiny. The strawberries I last year planted, have grown enormously! And they have flowers too! The bulbs of onions that I planted in to the white pots are grown fast. The different kind of seeds that I planted in to the grow box have stared to grow, yey! But they are too close to each other because I was so greedy that I wanted many plants and planted them thick. Well, we'll see what's gonna come out of them later..

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