In Transition

By FSmac

Not Going Out

Well, the weather is beyond dreich and I don't feel the urge or see the point in going out for a blip now, so this is it.

Half day at work today, finished at 1.30pm Made a start on short stuff's room while he isn't around to protest, I may live to regret it. The 'stretch' come torture, come impossible to do class last night has taken it's toll on my body today. I will persevere.

Short stuff just rang, brief call to tell me about their action packed day, he is, in his own words, completely knackered. Today they have been to The Castle, Camera Obscura, the Scottish Parliament, Dynamic Earth (evidently amazing) followed by all you can eat at Jimmy Chungs and finishing with the cinema now. Phew! He will sleep well tonight.

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