From Sunrise to Sunset...

Ju and I got up for sunrise again, then went and prayed over Sa Penya. We were all out of the house and at the beach by half 10...Asha thoroughly enjoyed the sea and watching all the fish! Home for naps, then out to THE café for a last drink. Asha was given a huge box of strawberries and cherries for free from a guy who works at the market opposite! 
We packed a picnic, made burgers etc... and took it over to San An to watch the sun set....a lovely lovely experience.
Now Ju & I just back in from a last frozen yoghurt before she leaves for England tomorrow, sob...
This pic is of sunset strip in San An...I used a 25 second exposure. I've added extras from sunrise & sunset.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Yet another beautiful sunrise with Ju - they've been my highlight of her stay.
2) Asha having time with Ju these past days....she told Ju she'll be sad when she goes - we all will!
3) Fans - it is SO hot in this flat!!

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