..... but fighting on. Last day at work today. I was there at 6am and blasted on with the work, and everything seemed to going well. But then the rest of the world woke up and started demanding. I already had an agenda today without anything extra.

At 4:50pm something new came up; really needed to be done Right Now. The person who came up with the job left at five on the dot; the boss left shortly after. I left at 5:45 and hurtled to the chemist praying they hadn't shut yet or else I would have had to drive into town tomorrow to pick up my prescription needed for the next couple of weeks. Luckily they were still open.

Once home I continued with the packing, or lessening the packing whilst adding more books. Wish we had a trailer, or a bookshelf lined horse box, that would be a perfect solution, so I could take my books with me. Who knows which one I will "need" when I am there ..... in the rain!

Anyway, this will probably be my last blip for a while as I will be internetless, so take care all and happy snapping. I'll be back-blipping much later!

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