Gale force

Mother nature is blowing the mutha of all gales.

70mph winds.

So we decided to head to the most southerly, and most exposed, point in the UK.

The Lizard Point, Cornwall.

Never have I seen the sea so wild or felt the wind so fiercely.

It made me feel humble and vulnerable.

It made me want to take extra special care of those in my care.

We also had part two of the talent show.

The junior participants performed brilliantly.

The adult performances were all very off the wall.

I played an emergency role in a scene out of a Tintin book which involved me having a moustache and speaking in an Arabian accent.

I did in improv modern-dance duet with my sister-in-law called 'Investibeak Modern' - it went down a storm. Needless to say, it involved some interesting props.

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