things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

beautiful evening...

Against all the rules, I always want to write titles without capital I do!

It's been another glorious evening and again I spent it up on the moors. Great views of lots of wonderful birdies ..lots of moths flying around so next time I'll remember macro lens to take photos of them.

The ferns are looking pretty good too right now. This is my fav stage of 'fern-life.' I think they almost look like people with definite characters such as the furled brow, the love heart, the tightly curled perm, the twisted soul and the free spirit. 

I know I have a good imagination :) 

Edit : It took me a while to find out how to edit...It seems I have reached a blip milestone...gosh! Thanks muchly for all your comments on the 2 years worth of blips. It's actually taken me about 2 and a half years to reach this milestone, if indeed that's what it is. x

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