chaos theory

the morning sun
when it’s in your face
really shows your age

(Maggie May)

Likewise - the morning sun when it’s on the cooker really shows the dirt.

We live in chaos at the moment; a benign sort of chaos - but chaos nonetheless.  Dan and Kelly now have jobs - which is a good thing.  They each work in new office developments that have sprung up on the outskirts of Milton Keynes.  Different parts of Milton Keynes.

But new and outskirts implies a major assumption; that people who travel to work, will do so by car.  There is no public transport.  And Dan and Kelly don’t have a car.  So we’re back on the school run.  

The breakfast table - and by extension, the cooker - has become a battlefield.  Dan makes breakfast for himself and Kelly every morning.  It almost always involves eggs and beans.  They are both very good at clearing up afterwards. By that I mean they do it unasked and willingly.  Which is good.  But rushing around to fit in yoga exercises and showers before dressing for work, means that execution is often a bit slap dash.

As the house finally settles back down to the quiet that is the two of us, the sun brings the hob into sharp relief.  I start to clean it, but Anniemay intervenes.  It seems that my execution is also slapdash.  She reaches for the kitchen cleaner and sprays - then suggests I get my camera while she shows me how it should be done.  

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