Roll With It

By Falmike

Scrambled Eggs

Only one child at home tonight, Sam asked for scrambled eggs on toast for dinner which caused my mind to drift back.
My Dad loved my scrambled eggs, Samantha even eats hers like he did, by holding the toast with the eggs balanced on them. When he came to stay at some point I would make him scrambled eggs, my Mum used to say that no one makes scrambled eggs quite like I do..
Which leads me on to my Mum, tomorrow would have been her 81st birthday and although it has been 116 days it seem like only yesterday since I saw and spoke to her.
This week has also seen the first anniversary of my Mother-in-Law, Hanna's, death and we have also felt the sadness of our friends, the 'T's' recent losses. Clare and the 'T's' have helped put the missing of my Mum into some sort of perspective if that is possible. I am somewhat older than Clare and the 'T's' so my loss is part of the natural order of things that comes with my age, Clare could have reasonably expected a good deal more time with her Mum but some things are not meant to be.

Happy Birthday Mum - I'll be thinking of you xxx

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