
By MummyOf3

Welcome to the world Roman!!

So today is the today off to be induced at 39 weeks!! So strange knowing that by the end of the day I'll be a mummy of 3!

Ring the hospital at 8am and told to go in for 9am so off we go, after being stuck in traffic arrive at York hospital at 9:45. Get examined to find 3cms and waters are able to be broken, labour ward is heaving so just have to sit and wait.... Tick tock, tick tock.... Time is dragging but finally at 3:45pm labour ward have a bed free! So the time has arrived... Here goes:

4:04pm waters are broken, midwife says they'll assess me again at 6pm if nothing's happening, she leaves the room.
4:22 andy goes out to get a coffee... An almighty contraction takes me by complete surprise, text andy whilst crawling up the bed in agony! No buzzer was given to me so started shouting for my midwife finally andy comes back and got her for me.
4:30 next contraction, they start coming thick and fast now so has and air started.
4:55pm urge to push comes and after a few good pushes and then a few pants....
5:03pm Baby Roman André Ascough arrives weighing 6lb 14.5oz!

He's gorgeous!! After an hour of cuddles, bathed and ready to leave! Home by 10:20pm! Perfect end to a perfect day! Home to sleep!

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