In memory of Alma

Friday 12th June 2015 (1021)

Flower Friday today is being dedicated to Alma (AMC). Alma was one of the first to welcome me to blip on my first day and also the first to "subscribe" to my journal. I always appreciated her support and encouragement and it was lovely to meet her for lunch last year, along with Anni (BikerBear). My thoughts and prayers are with Anni and her family. There is a lovely flower tribute building up for Alma, what a wonderfully supportive community blip is. 
RIP Alma xx

I've had a productive day so far, certainly multi-tasking at times. 
Washing and ironing in progress
Laptop collected and now installing software
Batch cooking of meals
A good start in tackling the study monster.
And that's all before 2pm!

I will continue the battle with the study monster this afternoon and the laptop. I'm looking forward to a nice meal out with a friend this evening.

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