I was

at Långvik today for a "gig". It's been a lovely day which I've mostly spent driving or inside Långvik Congress Hotel. At least I have our evening walk left. The weather is still gorgeous.

Highlight of my day is my son's pictures on Instagram. I just enjoy that he's seeing different things. Today they cycled around. Visby looks beautiful and interesting. Based on his pictures I presume they have to today visited the medieval city. He even admitted that he's "maybe having fun"! :-D

Tomorrow I'll be holding a mindfulness mini retreat in downtown area in Helsinki. It will be the hottest day of the year so far and once again I'll be inside. I guess I won't have to take part in lottery this week... After that temperatures will drop and we should get some rain, like we had this morning.

In the extra photos a picture from my garden bushes blossoming...

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