Reikes small life...

By Reike

The River Reuss

We put nearly 7 hours of hiking under boots and paws today. 
First walking along the river Reuss, being passed by guys in kayaks and on rubberboats, some kids jumping in to float down the stream. The mosquitos declared me very tasty, I collected around 20 bites or more! 
Later we went a bit higher up, nearly dying when climbing steeply without shade at up to 30°C. We were so happy to end up in the forest, and a very nice cool forest it was! 
I even found a lake to dip into for a refreshing swim :) Happy Reike!
Past some castle ruins we ventured down again. 
I think we all will sleep well tonight (if I am not too itchy!). I reckon I might need to carry Djeili for our good-night walk though. Playing with other dogs in between and carrying logs three times her size around have drained her energy levels additionally.  

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